This one’s for you – A post to the father of our sick baby boy.


Through this roller coaster of a journey with Oliver in the hospital, there we’re many times I just wasn’t ok. Far from it on most days. I had a very hard time after finding out about Oliver’s heart condition, so much that I couldn’t bring myself to even talk to my own family about what was happening, or even absorb the fact that this wasn’t a nightmare I could wake up from. It was real life and I didn’t want to believe it. Justin, you were the glue that held me together then, and still are now. This post is for you.

I remember the first night after they told us about Oliver’s condition, that he would need open heart surgery right away in order for him to survive. We slept in a little pumping room in the hospital because we were 2 hours from home and had no place to stay. I was in shock still, and in pain from having gave birth just 30 hours prior. You were scared and hurting, I could see it in your eyes, yet you remained strong and brave, you were asking the Doctor’s questions, keeping the family updated, and comforting me. I will forever admire your strength and courage.

Through the many month’s that went by while in the PCICU, you did the same thing every day. You woke up, went to visit Oliver, gave me a kiss and then left to work, Repeat. Sometimes you would forget to eat just so you would have enough time to spend with us before leaving. I complained many day’s because you weren’t there, when I should have been thanking you for supporting us, financially and emotionally. I hope you know how much I appreciate you. It was very overwhelming for me being in the hospital day in and day out, some days I just really needed you, and I know you were just trying to do everything to keep us afloat. I’m so lucky to be with a man like you, and I’m so happy that we made this beautiful little miracle baby together. This journey is not over, but I know that no matter what happens, we can get through it together.

I love you forever and always, babe.

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7 thoughts on “This one’s for you – A post to the father of our sick baby boy.

  1. There are times in life when a daddy can’t be there for his child in person because he’s busy taking care of all those things necessary to keep things afloat in life for his family. While he is away, his heart is longing to be there. In those alone times, the car drives to work, those moment on break, is usually when his tears come and when his heart breaks in such a way it has to remain a private time. When he must be away he is sustained and secured because he knows someone is with his child that loves his baby and who has the same strength of love, the same ability to meet the tender and critical needs of his baby. Though it’s a rare thing, clearly, Justin is the one that makes me feel my baby (Elizabeth) is loved and cared for when I cannot be there. In the many ways a daddy must “let go,” of his child, It’s good to know that a young man is taking over and watching over my daughter who is now his love. I’ve said it before, Justin has become my hero as I watch and hear how much he cares and loves my baby and their son, my grandson. He is giving me the ability and the love to see him as family, to graft him in as a son. So when I see both of you supporting and loving each other like in these past two letters you both have written, our hearts as your dads is relieved and strengthened to know that when we are gone, you both will carry on. Love you both, and our little angel. Dad & Dad


  2. You are both fantastic parents and it is my pleasure to have meet your family. Oliver is one blessed little boy to have you as parents. God bless you and your family Now and Forever more. Love you all.


  3. I am so amazed by both of you! I’m especially happy about the positive attitude you both share. God knows your hearts and sees your faith in Him and each other. Love you Justin and Beth


  4. Beth , this was beautiful to read. You and Justin are very blessed to have each other and Oliver is blessed to have the both of you.


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